Meri Kirihimete & a Happy New Year!
A huge thank for helping and enabling us to do the good mahi that helps to restore this outstanding pocket of paradise.
In spite of it been a challenging year, we have achieved some big milestones. Cancelling the Okura Forest Festival was a big shame, lots of hard work and peoples time was sacrificed. Several funding applications to further restore this area were turned down but we have managed to secure a big grant from Auckland council for weed control over the next three years. We also now have a 5 year Strategic plan to work with. 2022 is looking good!
This Ruru photo was taken by Grant Nicholson who has just won the NZGeographic “Peoples Choice” award (It’s on their front cover). He and his brother Rowan followed and filmed these two ruru in our backyard for many weeks. This is the rurus last day in their nest. He filmed their first flight.
He says: “I wanted to say thanks to the many gaurdians out there fighting for the survival of our manu! Without your constant dedication and commitment to a predator-free New Zealand, moments like this would never be possible, and for that, I will always be forever grateful!”
I got very excited whilst doing a trapline yesterday. Mother morepork flew out of her nest that she had inhabitated last year. The same mother Ruru (verified by Grant) has two more chicks in the same mamaku trunk as last year! We are truly blessed.
With no Okura Bush Forest Festival this year or next year and and severe funding cut backs, all your donations, big or small are hugely appreciated.
Thank you and all the best from
Lezette and FOOB’s wonderful committee.