Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all our Volunteers and Supporters

Here is a special picture of one of the 4 dotteral chicks at the Weiti River mouth.

Thank you to all of our volunteers and supporters, without you the incredible work that is being done couldn’t happen.

Special thanks to Jo Crawford for tirelessly heading the team of trappers and liasing with our stakeholders to make things happen, year in and year out!
Thank you to our committee for making the wheels turn and to our wonderful co-ordinator, Chris Bettany, to Bev Short our Secretary who has resigned twice but still keeps working until a new volunteer comes forward and to John Marais who has stepped up to co-chair with me, to Lynne Beneka and Linda Coster, for co-ordintating the Backyard Trapping in Okura and Stillwater respectively. All on the committee are valuable and if you’d like to join us or come along to a meeting, please get in touch.
Thanks to council, and our local Hibiscus and Bays board has looked after us very well and we will be tackling the invasive weeds along the Karepiro cliffs in February by drone spraying. Also thanks
to Foundation North, Pub Charities, Forest and Bird and Pestfree NZ.

All the best
Lezette and the team at FOOB.

Acknowledgement to Linda Coster for the great baby dotteral photograph.

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