Hello everyone,
Yes it is getting close to our annual October bird count.
Thank you to everyone who participated last year. What a wonderful time we had counting the different types of bird song in Okura Bush.
Welcome to the new volunteers. We look forward to meeting you at our training session.
We are very fortunate to have Sarah Wells a local ornithologist to run our training session. As Sarah is very busy in her full time job she can only offer one session. This comprises of going to a designated number of bird count stations in Okura Bush, listening to the bird song & recording & comparing what we hear. We all found it very helpful last year so would advise you to attend. We also have the opportunity to answer any questions regarding the recording sheets & methodology we use for the bird count.

Kereru in Okura Bush
Please download the okura-bush-bird-count-instructions-2016 so that you can familiarize yourself with them and download the Foob Bird Count Spreadsheet 2016 for completion. You will need to allow a minimum of 3 hours to the complete the bird count in October. We recommend using a notebook on the day of reporting & transferring the results onto the datasheet. If possible we would appreciate it if you could do a paper record as well as an electronic entry just in case we have computer problems.
The count can be done any day in October. It is best to avoid weekends if possible as the Okura Bush Walk is very popular.
FOOB bird count training Saturday 3rd September at 9am – 12md.
Meet at car park end of Haigh Access Road Okura. (off East Coast Road)
You will need a notebook, pencil, binoculars (not essential)
If you will be attending the training day please confirm by email or phone. if you have any friends who may be interested in participating please ask them to contact me. Happy birding!!
If you cannot do the count this year please let me know.
Many thanks
09 424 5797