The storms this year had taken their toll on the fencing at Weiti chénier (and Karepiro for that matter too) so the Stillwater Stalwarts decided to combine a working bee with the community planting day that FOOB ran on July 2nd. Linda Gates, Irene Sanders, John Marais and myself formed the work party who were ably provisioned by Lezette on her trusty carrot cake mobile. Linda had drawn up a plan for the fencing based on her experience of the chénier usage by walkers. The problems have been encroachment into the breeding areas at the north end during high tide, and into the southern end by people using the ‘stepping stones’ to avoid all the mud and landslides at this end of the lagoon. To solve these problems, the position of the new fence line in the north has been moved above the mean high tide mark, and a passage created in the south to allow access to the beach without encroachment on dotterel/tūturiwhatu nest sites.

New northern enclosure. Photo by Irene Sanders

Linda and John refurbishing the central and southern sections. Photo by Irene sanders.

Restoring the northern enclosure. Photo by Irene sanders.
We also needed new signage, which Vanessa Killeen Real Estate has generously sponsored.

Direct enough?
The pāteke pair seem to have taken up residence on their new breeding site and traps have been placed nearby to protect them. We’d like to thank Spencer for donating some of his grant money that went with the AIMES award he received to help purchase these trap. No word back from Imogen at Auckland council re live cat trapping – what a surprise. Keep warm and dry, spring will be here soon and we’ll probably look back nostalgically on the cold and wet as we swelter in the summer heat and everything (including the water tanks) dry out!