A sure sign that winter’s grip is loosening. Kowha in full bloom, Okura River estuary, 11/9/24
The seasons are on the turn and the first adult kuaka have returned to join the overwintering flock of about 20 birds. The flock now numbers 96 (as of 11/9/24) and will increase over the coming weeks as more adults and then this year’s juveniles return to Aotearoa.

Kuaka to the left and mixed tōrea and tōrea pango to the right.
The tōrea have left for their breeding grounds down south and only 40 birds remain. They haven’t reached breeding condition and will stay in the north over the summer and next winter. The breeding season is close but hasn’t started yet. The winter flock of tōrea pango is still largely intact (23 birds still at Karepiro), although some pairs are on territory. The male tūturiwhatu are starting to achieve their wonderfull ruddy breeding plumage, but the winter flock has not yet dispersed. There were a total of 24 tūturiwhatu at Weiti/Karepiro/Okura including 2 pairs on territory at Weiti, 3 pairs at Karepiro, and the resident pair at the Okura chénier.

Birds NZ Auckland Branch field trip participants
I recently lead a Birds NZ field trip to the area. We walked in from Stillwater to the Weiti chénier, then over the hill to Karepiro. We managed to pick a wonderful day and all the participants enjoyed themselves and the bird life.