Just a quick spring update to let you all know that the tūturiwhatu/NZ dotterel have started to nest and are sitting on eggs at the moment. There are two pairs nesting on the Weiti chénier, including the ever reliable flag family (CXE) at the south end and another pair at the north end. This is the northern pair’s second attempt as the first nest was destroyed by people walking over it. Unfortunately it was outside the roped area. If you can make sure that you keep below the high tide mark then nests will be safe and if you do walk above it, look where you place your feet. There are two pairs of tōrea pango/ variable oystercatcher that are close to nesting but haven’t laid eggs yet. The kuaka/godwit flock has numbered around 200 this year with almost 300 in early November when the juveniles started arriving in numbers.

Part of the kuaka flock on the Weiti chénier
Isn’t it hot!