Long Bay – Okura Great Park Society
Long Bay – Okura Great Park Society. Working with local and central government to extend and protect the Long Bay Great Park.
Dacre Cottage
Dacre Cottage Website – information, history and contacts for Dacre Cottage. Our aim is to preserve this wonderful building and surrounding area for generations to come.
Forest & Bird
Forest & Bird Hibiscus Coast Branch.
Forest & Bird is the New Zealand partner of BirdLife International, a global partnership of non-government organisations with a focus on birds. Its partners work together to share information, research and skills to achieve better conservation outcomes globally. The BirdLife International Partnership strives to conserve birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, and sustainable use of natural resources.
Restore Hibiscus & Bays
Restore Hibiscus & Bays is an initiative dedicated to empowering our community to restore our precious environment and native wildlife.
Dept of Conservation
Okura Bush Walkway brochure TRACK CLOSED May 2018.
- Haighs Access Rd to Dacre Cottage 4.8 km, 1.5 hr one way
- Haighs Access Rd to Stillwater 8 km, 3 hr one way
December 2023 update from DOC.
Kauri Dieback
Kauri dieback is specific to New Zealand kauri and can kill trees of all ages. More info at Keep Kauri Standing.
Hibiscus and Bays Local Board
Support from the Auckland Council through the 2014 Environmental Initiatives Fund is much appreciated.
Stillwater Spit Wildlife Photos
– beautiful photographs by Martin Sanders.