The kuaka are back

When John Marais and I were out on the Weiti chenier on Wednesday (28/9) there were 218 kuaka/godwits roosting on the beach. There has been a steady buildup from the end of August when the winter flock of about 12 birds was suddenly increased to 25 (31/8), then 32 (2/9), 122 (21/9) until the 218 on the 28/9. The kuaka…

Biodiversity Restoration Workshop in Stillwater

Come along and join the community for a couple of hours of learning about how to best control some serious invasive plants that are threatening the remnant forests of Auckland. We will be controlling invasive vines, creepers and serious pest trees to allow the natives to regenerate back into coastal kauri/puriri forest. Where: Bus Stop on Duck Creek Road Parking:…

Godwits Return

The godwits/kuaka are starting to return to Aotearoa from their breeding grounds in Alaska, a sure sign that spring is here. There has been a small flock overwintering this year – an average of 12 birds – so I was surprised to find 25 kuaka when I visited Karepiro on the last day of August, with some of the birds…

Weiti Chenier Refurbishment

There was a great turnout for the planting day on Sunday the 7th August and despite the dire weather predictions the rain held off and much was achieved without getting soaked. Apart from the planting it was decided to incorporate a working bee out on the last chenier to repair the fencing, which had taken a real battering over the…

Winter Bird News

The season of rain and storms is upon us and I always feel sorry for the birds hunkering down in all that weather. As the seasons change so do the waders. The godwits have left and are now breeding in Alaska and experiencing 24 hours of daylight as they rush to complete their breeding cycle during the short high-latitude summer.…

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