Coastal Restoration: Stillwater/Okura, Wade River mouth
August 2014
15 enthusiastic volunteers got stuck into a day of coastal restoration, not a single drop of torrential rain dampened the teams spirits! The goal of the day was to clear out the remaining moth pods, replant the coast line with Pohutakawa trees, and remove other targeted invasive flora from the remnant patches of native bush. This will allow our native species to thrive, help minimize coastal erosion and enhance the North West Wild Link.
To protect one of the most significant remnants of the coastal forest, pest plants must be eradicated. After the removal of a large mothplant infestation as well as hundreds of mothplant pods at the northern end of the track, the land was bare and ready for planting. One hundred and fifty eco-sourced Pohutukawa saplings were kindly donated by Tim Adriaansen and Daniella Goffi. The seeds were sourced from an old tree at Mairangi Bay and nurtured into fine sapling specimens.
Another nasty invader Woolly Nightshade had established its self along the coast. The South American intruder slows the regeneration rate of native forests, it must be cut at the stump and will need to be monitored regularly.
In order to eradicate this nasty pest the most effective method is cutting the weed at the stump, then cover the exposed stump with a paste that kills the plant. These Friends of Okura Bush showed a lot of dedication to help preserve this piece of remnant native bush. The Auckland City Council supplied us with a box of goodies to get the job done.
This was the first of many working bees that will increase biological diversity in the area. A big thanks to every one who came and helped out.
- Pohutakawa stable
- Dylan van Winkle
- Lads
- Weeders
- Delivery service
- Laura and Julia vs woolly nightshade
- Chappy the shell crusher