D-Day for the rats in Okura…”Bring out your dead”!!
A fun day was had by all bringing their rats to the village hall for the weigh in!
Prizes were for:
Largest Rat, Heaviest Rat, Best Kill, Longest Tail and Most Rats.
There is a real science behind eradicating or reducing a rat population and with the help of the Auckland University Statistics Dept. and their GIS system this could be a NZ first for a
community eradication of a major pest.
More info: https://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~fewster/CatchIT/
Thanks to our sponsors:
- Tides Restauarant, Waiake
- Nutra Organic products from naturalthings.co.nz
- A selection of wonderful books by local author, Liliane Parkinson.
- Bev Short for donating ‘Vanishing Nature” by Marie Brown.
- Wills Fishing and Firearms, Wairau, for the Slingshot.
- Auckland Council and Orra (Okura Residents and Rates Association) for the traps.