This morning DOC ranger John Chambers and two contractors began work on some much needed track repairs. The walkway will be closed until the 1st September further notice.
Winter 2017 has been one of the wettest in recent memory, and the track surface has been hammered by the large numbers of walkers and runners who use this popular walkway. This damage has been compounded by a failure to maintain drains adequately.
The thin gravel surface is sinking into the clay along most of the track, but in several areas water is beginning to puddle. This creates the ever-widening bogs which used to be a feature of this track before the $300,000 upgrade in 2011.
The current work does not extend to the three areas where the track is slipping into the estuary. It is still just possible to get past, but it’s getting a bit marginal. There is still no funding in the pipeline for fixing this section, which is likely to involve a re-route.
The kowhai are just beginning to flower, so hopefully the track will re-open on schedule soon.