Author: John Potter

Fundraising appeal to publish history of Dacre Cottage & the Weiti Block

The history of Dacre Cottage, the 2nd oldest building in Auckland, the people, and the place. A fully-illustrated book telling the story of the Cottage, the Dacre family, and the natural history of this stunning coastal strip between the Whangaparaoa Peninsula and the Long Bay Regional Park has been written by Felicity Goodyear-Smith. Dating from 1855, Dacre Cottage is the…

Ngā Kōrero: Public discussion on the incoming Weed Tsunami – Sunday 20th August 2023 4pm

When:           4 pm Sunday 20 August 2023 (AGM from 3 pm) Where:          Okura Hall, 81 Okura River Road, Okura Guest speaker:  Geoff Reid, environmental change agent, restoration consultant Topic Facing the Tsunami – Environmental Weeds Our Biggest Threat Come and hear about our biggest threat and the solutions. Geoff is well known as a force for environmental change, with a focus on…

AGM 2021 Reports

from Friends of Okura Bush AGM held 15 August 2021 at Okura Hall, Okura River Road. Chairperson’s Report Welcome everyone. It’s great to see you all. Thank you for coming this afternoon. Tena koutou katoa. Just a briefing of what FOOB has been up to over the last year and we’ll then go on to listen to our inspiring guest…

Featured in Foundation North Storyboard 2017-18

FOOB was honoured to be one of the organisations spotlighted in a recent report by funding organisation Foundation North. Their financial support is helping to restore and protect the forest surrounding the Okura Bush Walkway. “Friends of Okura Bush is grateful that Foundation North is helping preserve and protect the integrity of one of the last stands of old-growth coastal…

Trappers Report 2017

Trap lines: The wet weather over winter has been difficult for trappers but trapping has continued over most lines. The Ridge Line, along the fence bordering the Weiti station, remains closed due to access problems during earth works on the station. August to January has seen low catches and the same trend is evident this year. The entry to the…

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