Trap lines:

Julia, one of our new trappers
The wet weather over winter has been difficult for trappers but trapping has continued over most lines. The Ridge Line, along the fence bordering the Weiti station, remains closed due to access problems during earth works on the station.
August to January has seen low catches and the same trend is evident this year. The entry to the track via Stillwater is particularly muddy and unfriendly.
Trapping in the buffer zone:
Trapping continues in the Okura Village led by Lynne Beneka and Neal Taylor. A new line has been set up in the Deborah Reserve, a small area bordering the estuary.
Trapping results for 2017
Results from January 2015 to December 2017:
Our trappers:
We have 20 trappers at the moment, with two on the reserve list. There is almost always one or two on holiday somewhere, or with injuries (none trapping related!).
We welcome Jacqui Tizard our newest trapper who is working with Julia to help out Peter while his broken foot heals. Ii is quite likely that the those three trappers will continue to work the Lower Line once Peter returns. Three per line seems a good number for each line so as to cover times when people are away or unwell etc.
Keep up the great work Trappers! We might be winning!!
Jonathan Baskett
Trapping coordinator