When: 4 pm Sunday 20 August 2023 (AGM from 3 pm)
Where: Okura Hall, 81 Okura River Road, Okura
Guest speaker: Geoff Reid, environmental change agent, restoration consultant
Topic Facing the Tsunami – Environmental Weeds Our Biggest Threat

Forest of weeds
Come and hear about our biggest threat and the solutions. Geoff is well known as a force for environmental change, with a focus on biodiversity collapse. He has experience in mobilising successful campaigns for protecting a number of at-risk ecosystems, has lobbied for stronger tools for reducing sediment run-off into our streams, harbours and oceans, has been a compelling voice
for animal welfare and shown up inadequacies in statutory responsibility for protecting the natural environment.
As a restoration consultant and Okura resident, his vision includes getting inter-agency and community commitment towards eradication and control of invasive weeds to protect remnant ecosystems such as the Okura Bush, one of the last significant stands of coastal broad-leaved kauri forests of wider Auckland.
All welcome. Light refreshments provided.
For more information phone Chris Bettany 021 020 40 435
Toitū te marae o Tane Mahuta; Toitū te marae o Tangaroa; Toitū te tangata.
If the land is well, if the sea is well, the people will thrive.