The 2018 Okura Forest festival was a huge success. An event that was enjoyed by both the public and the volunteers involved. The event ran from 11am till 11pm on the 17th of Feb. We raised over $17,000! It will be put into ensuring this natural area stays as natural as possible. A big thanks to the many many volunteers…
Author: Geoff

Autumn 2016 Newsletter
FOOB and the Auckland Council Unitary Plan This summer a most pressing issue facing our fragile bush and its wildlife has occupied much of your executives time. On the northern boundary Weiti Station, at present a wilderness of exotic and invasive weeds has been approved as the site of at least 1200 houses. The fate of the green fields on…

Young leopard seals are said to travel north to New Zealand occasionally. New Zealand fur seals are now seen more often in the Hauraki Gulf and perhaps we will see both species more often in the future. For more on leopard seals click here. Progress DOC has now produced detailed plans for upgrading parts of the main walkway and have…
Seasons Greetings 2015
To all our wonderful supporters Wishing you a Wonder-filled Festive Season with family and friends and time spent in nature. A BIG THANK YOU to each and every one of you for your support, especially our executive committee, sub committees and the pest controlling volunteers on the ground. Because of our efforts we now have more birdsong, undergrowth and life…

Summer Newsletter 2015
This fine summer has brought walkers in their thousands to enjoy the shaded tracks of the Okura Bush Walkway – Auckland’s most popular bush track. It has also been a great season for native wildlife. Birdsong generally is considered more abundant thanks to the trapping program started at the beginning of 2014. Four endangered NZ dotterel chicks have hatched on…

The return of the forest gecko
After one and a half years of small scale rat trapping we have spotted our first forest gecko (Mokopirirakau granulatus). Great to see that the numbers could be on the climb. This female looks pregnant too!

Weedos Strike Back
11 dedicated volunteers met armed with their weapon of choice. It was a day filled with the sounds of a raging chainsaw, the snapping of vines from Elaeagnus and volunteers yelling ‘TIMBER’ followed by crashes from big pest trees hitting the ground.

Okura Forest Festival – 2015
On the 14th of February we are having a festival in appreciation of the forest. Kiwi bands, choice food, arts and crafts. Time: 11am – 11pm Location: Okura River Road – in the park next to the hall. Entry by donation. To book a stall, contact Lezette on 021 872222 or Music line up yet to be announced.

Spring Newsletter October 2014
The abundant kowhai flowers along the riverbank attracted a host of warbling tui earlier this month, to the delight of walkers some of whom lingered as they crossed the bridge, cameras poised. Now we can hope that those birds with established nests are rearing their young with greater chance of survival than before FOOB came into existence. In September the…

Planting and Weeding August 2014
Coastal Restoration: Stillwater/Okura, Wade River mouth August 2014 15 enthusiastic volunteers got stuck into a day of coastal restoration, not a single drop of torrential rain dampened the teams spirits! The goal of the day was to clear out the remaining moth pods, replant the coast line with Pohutakawa trees, and remove other targeted invasive flora from the remnant patches…
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