Our amazing volunteers have spent over 147 mahi hours this 1st Quarter ridding our local parks and reserves of 349 Predator Pests. That’s 349 less individuals able to feast themselves on our precious fauna, out-compete our natives on accessing their natural food sources, and strip our native plants of their leaves, berries and seeds.
Author: Jo

Local Conservation Hero Barrie Hepburn – Gone, but not forgotten
Barrie sadly passed away last month, and we wanted to do him honour as he has been a real local legend protecting our natives. When Barrie moved to the area and teamed up with another local resident Danny back in 2020 they were unstoppable! They installed over 150 traps at the boundaries of the Weiti Bay Village development which border…

Pet Cats Caught in Okura/Stillwater Biodiversity Hot Spots.
This past 10 months have seen 13 cats caught in live-catch traps on or beside Biodiversity Focus Areas (BFAs) in our local area. Five of these have been Domestic/Pet cats.

Cute vs Ugly on the Creek East
I took a super cute (well I think it is anyway!), and a fairly gross pic this past week, checking traps on the Creek East Line … the rodent must have only just got hit it stil had a twinkle in its eye and peanut crumbs on its whiskers!
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