On 19th August the Auckland Council will decide whether to accept the Unitary Plan Panel’s recommendation to allow 750 to 1000 more houses on the southern side of the estuary. Please copy the letter below from the Okura Action Group and email it to the councillors listed at the end.
Author: John Potter

Hibiscusmatters: Rats Knocked Down at Okura
In the June 15th issue of Hibiscusmatters Page 25: Members of the Friends of Okura Bush environmental group celebrate the cull of 23 rats in their Knock Down event. Nick Morgan measured and weighed each rat to determine the prize-winners. These Ka Mate traps, designed in Marlborough, are already producing good results in Okura Bush. A total of 60 of…

Torbay Newsletter: Threatened Kauri under attack from DOC shortcuts
In the June 2016 Torbay Newsletter, page 11 : Threatened Kauri under attack from DOC shortcuts Friends of Okura Bush spokesperson Geoff Reid says: “We have witnessed destruction caused by contractors hired by DOC to build tracks in the past. Inadequate design, and lack of professional supervision has resulted in many tree deaths in this coastal gem”

Hibiscus Matters: Conservationists clash over kauri dieback protection
A report on FOOB’s opposition to DOC’s proposed use of Geoweb to repair the track is on page three of the June 1st Hibiscus Matters newspaper. Read the full article here: Conservationists clash over kauri dieback protection

Stuff: Kauri dieback solution upsets residents
On Stuff today: Kauri dieback solution upsets residents An Auckland advocacy group is shocked by plans to lay plastic on a popular walkway. Friends of Okura Bush has been campaigning for four years for a boardwalk track but the Conservation Department (DOC) plans to install geoweb; a strong plastic filled with bark and covered with gravel. Co-ordinator Geoff Reid was…

Geoweb track no good for kauri
Friends of Okura Bush (FOOB) are concerned that the planned upgrade of the walkway by the Department of Conservation (DOC) will be detrimental to the health of the Okura Bush Scenic Reserve. Furthermore, the same engineering is to be applied to all track upgrades across New Zealand and is likely to lead to long-term damage to forests across the country.…

Track Assessment by Stephen King
At the Request of ‘Friends of Okura Bush’ I conducted a field inspection of the current track in March 2016 to assess issues and required improvements to ensure adequate protection of forest canopy trees. The inspection took place with Geoffrey and Lezette Reid and with a copy of currently proposed treatments supplied to them by the Department of Conservation.
FOOB fundraising music night
Saturday 14th Nov from 7 – 12 midnight. At the Okura hall. Live music, BYO, entry by donation.
2016 Okura Forest Festival
Saturday 13th February 2016 – 11am till 11pm At the Okura Hall & Park 81 Okura River Road.