Author: Lezette Reid
FOOB Predator Management Pest Plan 2022
FoOB Predator Management Plan 2022

Cruisy Sunday afternoon launch of Robin Kelly’s new album Shadowman
Join us for a cruisy Sunday afternoon of live music. We will be celebrating the launching of Robin Kelly’s new album, “Shadowman” with musicians Sonia Wilson and Nigel Gavin. Catch up with one of the members of Friends of Okura Bush at their stand and get an update of the restoration work that is being done in the area. See…

Meri Kirihimete & Happy New Year
Wishing all our volunteers and supporters a very Meri Kirihimete & a Happy New Year! A huge thank for helping and enabling us to do the good mahi that helps to restore this outstanding pocket of paradise. In spite of it been a challenging year, we have achieved some big milestones. Cancelling the Okura Forest Festival was a big shame,…

AGM 15th August 2021 at 3pm
Friends of Okura Bush warmly invite you to their Annual General Meeting. A short meeting reporting back on activities and achievements over the past year will be followed by a talk from our Guest speaker: James Dale, Professor of Zoology at Massey University. When: 3 pm Sunday 15 August 2020 Where: Okura Hall, Okura River Road, Okura Topic: The Wildlife…

Planting Day 8th August 2021
It’s that time of the year again and we have 2000 native trees to plant! This planting day is dedicated to Peter Buckley who recently passed away. He gave so generously to looking after this special area and to the community. He will be remembered fondly and sorely missed. Where: Meet at 1A Duck Creek Road, Stillwater. We have two…

RIP Peter Buckley
RIP Peter Buckley We would like to acknowledge the tremendous generosity of Peter Buckley not only to the community but to our environment. Peter was always so accommodating, sharing his wealth of knowledge of the area and helping FOOB transport so many plants out to the cheniers on the Wade River over the years in his buggy. He was a…

AGM Chairperson’s Report 2020
For those that missed out on our previous AGM….. Friends of Okura Bush AGM 16 August 2020 @4pm Okura Hall, Okura River Road Chairperson’s Report Welcome everyone. It’s great to see you all. Thank you for coming. Just a briefing of what FOOB has been up to over the last year and we’ll then go on to listen to our…

Okura Bush Update Autumn 2021 – Site Visit
In May 2018, a rāhui was placed on the Okura Bush due to poor track design and maintenance. Heading into winter with a track covered in mud with stressed and exposed tree roots raised alarm bells throughout the community. Local mana whenua iwi met with the community and our Conservation Department for the closure of this forest. This was to…

OFF21 CANCELLED due to level 2 restrictions!!
We are gutted that our environmental fundraiser has had to be cancelled due to level 2 restrictions! If you’d like to make a donation to Friends of Okura Bush’s environmental restoration projects…The account number is: 38-9020-0576390-01Thanks for your support, we really appreciate it.
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