A report of an recent field inspection of the Okura Marine Reserve by Coastal & Freshwater Ecologist Treffery Barnett has fallen into our hands. The news about cockles is bad.
Category: Conservation

CatchIt videos for pest catches
CatchtIt, Rachel Fewster, from the Dept of Statistics, Auckland University, alongside Jonathan Baskett, FOOB’s Pest co-ordinator, record all the pests that are killed in the Okura Bush and surrounding areas. Do have a look at the videos which shows the hot spots of where the catches have been made: CatchIT Graphics for Friends of Okura Bush.

Trappers Report April 2017
1. Opening the closed Ridge line Lezette and I met with Simon Matthews, site manager Weiti Station, to discuss access to our closed ridge trapline. Simon reassured us of his commitment to assisting with our trapping program but said that for the next few months access by road to the ridge would be impossible because of continuing road works. He…

Okura Bush Track Closed
In the August 31 North Shore Times: Department of Conservation launches track upgrades The Department of Conservation has started work on a track upgrade in Okura Bush they say will prevent the spread of kauri dieback. The walkway serves more than 60,000 visitors per year and will be closed for approximately 10 weeks while contractors work on the track. The…

Track Assessment by Stephen King
At the Request of ‘Friends of Okura Bush’ I conducted a field inspection of the current track in March 2016 to assess issues and required improvements to ensure adequate protection of forest canopy trees. The inspection took place with Geoffrey and Lezette Reid and with a copy of currently proposed treatments supplied to them by the Department of Conservation.

Sunday 30th August Weeding Day
Help us weed out the bio invasive plants!! It’s that time again with a weeding day organised for this coming Sunday the 30th August. We are tackling Woolly Nightshade and it would be great to see you there.

Great Okura Knock Down of 2015
D-Day for the rats in Okura…”Bring out your dead”!! A fun day was had by all bringing their rats to the village hall for the weigh in!

Okura Bush Autumn Newsletter 2015
Many thanks to Claire Taylor for this wonderful painting of rats sitting on a branch engaged in a serious workshop about rat traps!

Weedos Strike Back
11 dedicated volunteers met armed with their weapon of choice. It was a day filled with the sounds of a raging chainsaw, the snapping of vines from Elaeagnus and volunteers yelling ‘TIMBER’ followed by crashes from big pest trees hitting the ground.