I’m afraid we’ve gone from riches to rags as far as tūturiwhatu breeding is concerned with no chicks hatched at all this year, let alone fledged, compared to 11 last season. Fewer pairs attempted to nest (5 as opposed to 8 in 2023/4), which partly explains the difference. Neither tūturiwhatu nor torea pāngo nested this season on the Okura chénier…
Category: General

Merry Christmas & a Happy 2025 to you all
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the FOOB team. We’ve made good progress in protecting our wildlife with many hours gone into freeing our native plants from invasive species and helping to keep the animal pest numbers down, amongst other things. A huge Thank You to our committee and committed volunteers. It has…

A New Breeding Season
Just a quick spring update to let you all know that the tūturiwhatu/NZ dotterel have started to nest and are sitting on eggs at the moment. There are two pairs nesting on the Weiti chénier, including the ever reliable flag family (CXE) at the south end and another pair at the north end. This is the northern pair’s second attempt…

The Godwits Return
The seasons are on the turn and the first adult kuaka have returned to join the overwintering flock of about 20 birds. The flock now numbers 96 (as of 11/9/24) and will increase over the coming weeks as more adults and then this year’s juveniles return to Aotearoa. The tōrea have left for their breeding grounds down south and only…

Read all about FOOB’s activities over the past year, and join us for a great line-up of events on 21 July 2024
Ahead of our AGM (Sunday, 21 July), we are pleased to share with you our AGM report for 2024. We hope you enjoy reading about our activities from the past year, including: – our community planting and weeding events – predator control initiatives (incorporating our traplines, and backyard trapping in Stillwater and Okura) – property pest plans – how our…

The Ruru Guru – Guest Speaker Rowan Nicholson & FOOB AGM – 21 July, 3pm
Friends of Okura Bush is excited to welcome Rowan Nicholson as a guest speaker on Sunday 21 July. Dubbed the ‘Ruru Guru’ by fellow bird enthusiasts, Rowan Nicholson has become renowned for his beautiful photography and ground-breaking footage of our native owl (the ruru). As wildlife photographer, gaming animator, storyteller and biodiversity advocate, Rowan’s story has something for everyone. Rowan…

Fundraising appeal to publish history of Dacre Cottage & the Weiti Block
The history of Dacre Cottage, the 2nd oldest building in Auckland, the people, and the place. A fully-illustrated book telling the story of the Cottage, the Dacre family, and the natural history of this stunning coastal strip between the Whangaparaoa Peninsula and the Long Bay Regional Park has been written by Felicity Goodyear-Smith. Dating from 1855, Dacre Cottage is the…

End-of-year Roundup
Well, it’s been a very successful year as far as the tūturiwhatu/NZ dotterel are concerned because 11 chicks fledged from the three breeding sites. It wasn’t so good for the tōrea pango/Variable oystercatcher with only four chicks fledged. It was a strange year for the tōrea pango as they were very late starting to breed and produced fewer eggs. It’s…

Local Conservation Hero Barrie Hepburn – Gone, but not forgotten
Barrie sadly passed away last month, and we wanted to do him honour as he has been a real local legend protecting our natives. When Barrie moved to the area and teamed up with another local resident Danny back in 2020 they were unstoppable! They installed over 150 traps at the boundaries of the Weiti Bay Village development which border…

Bird news for the 2023/24 Season
I’ve been meaning to report on the birds this year for some weeks, but the buggers keep breeding so this is an interim report. Summer Migrants The kuaka arrived from their Alaskan breeding grounds in mid-September and reached maximum numbers – about 320 birds – on 1/11/23. Many of these birds were juveniles who leave Alaska later than most of…
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