More than 65 people of all ages turned up at the Stillwater Reserve on Sunday 8th of August 2021 for the annual Friends of Okura Bush planting day.

Planting Stillwater Reserve
Two sites were planted this year after weed control measures to prepare the sites:
1. Areas along the creek at Stillwater Recreation Reserve behind the hall and
2. Cheniers at Weiti River mouth
The objectives were to get the community involved in regeneration initiatives to restore natural biodiversity in areas where pest plants have been removed and to provide the community with the skills and knowledge to plant and care for native species in their own planting projects.
The spirited effort resulted in 2000 native trees and shrubs being planted this year will make our area more beautiful, create carbon sinks to help reduce emissions, and reduce siltation into the Weiti river and marine reserve.
Refreshments were provided in the hall by FOOB volunteers.
This was a fantastic opportunity enjoyed by all ages to participate and learn more about the value of environmental restoration.
This planting day is dedicated to Peter Buckley who recently passed away. A totara tree was planted in the Stillwater Reserve by his grandson – he gave so generously to looking after this special area and to the community. He will be remembered fondly and sorely missed.

Maxine Buckley and grandson Saxon
Toitū te marae o Tane Mahuta; Toitū te marae o Tangaroa; Toitū te tangata.
If the land is well, if the sea is well, the people will thrive.