On or just before December 7th, 60 poison-free rat traps were vandalised, torn down and thrown in the bushes.
Author: John Potter

Plant Restoration and Xmas Picnic on Sunday 10th December
I help organise the Plant Restoration Days for FOOB and am organising one for this coming Sunday (10 December).

Media Release: Our Inconvenient Truth
Long Bay-Okura Marine Reserve at risk from pollution, run-off and incompetence Approved for release by Lezette Reid, Chair of Friends of Okura Bush (FOOB), 12th September 2017

Weiti Developer Denies Discharges
On 1 News at Six last night, there was a report about sediment pollution in the Okura Marine Reserve from the Weiti Development.

Political Panel on Conservation Hosted by Forest and Bird
Surveys show that conservation is a top voter concern (Stuff.co.nz / Massey UniversityElection Survey). The North Shore branch of Forest and Bird will host a political panel on 4 September, to quiz candidates on their parties’ policies regarding freshwater, climate change, biodiversity and habitat loss, and working with public agencies such as the Department of Conservation.

Walkway Closed for Maintenance
This morning DOC ranger John Chambers and two contractors began work on some much needed track repairs. The walkway will be closed until the 1st September further notice.

System Broken Councillor Says
In the Rodney Times 25th July 2017 Tonnes of sediment from developments around coastal Auckland are landing up in our waterways, and the system supposed to stop the pollution is “broken”, says councillor Wayne Walker.

Trappers Report April 2017
1. Opening the closed Ridge line Lezette and I met with Simon Matthews, site manager Weiti Station, to discuss access to our closed ridge trapline. Simon reassured us of his commitment to assisting with our trapping program but said that for the next few months access by road to the ridge would be impossible because of continuing road works. He…

Progress Report on Okura Walkway Construction
When I was invited to accompany Alistair Smith from DOC on an inspection of the new Okura Walkway track upgrade last Friday, I jumped at the chance. At this time of year, when the kowhais are flowering, sections of the track are covered in a carpet of golden flowers, and dozens of drunken tui serenade walkers as they pass by.…

Save the Okura Estuary Petition
The Auckland Unitary Plan Hearings Panel’s recommendation to move the Rural Urban Boundary will permit Todd Property Ltd. to carry out an extensive housing development on the southern side of the Okura Estuary. The development will irrevocably destroy the quiet natural beauty of the area. Please let the council know that you want the estuary saved by signing the Long…