Category: General

AGM Chairperson’s Report 2020

For those that missed out on our previous AGM….. Friends of Okura Bush AGM 16 August 2020 @4pm Okura Hall, Okura River Road Chairperson’s Report Welcome everyone. It’s great to see you all. Thank you for coming. Just a briefing of what FOOB has been up to over the last year and we’ll then go on to listen to our…

Weeding report for May 2021

For the month of May 2021, together Chris and I, we worked on both Deborah and Stillwater Reserves, doing pest plant management. For a few days we were joined by a volunteer Tadgh for the Japanese Honeysuckle and Privet control in Deborah Reserve. Kane Kvasnicka joined us for the Stillwater Reserve work.

Okura Bush Update Autumn 2021 – Site Visit

In May 2018, a rāhui was placed on the Okura Bush due to poor track design and maintenance. Heading into winter with a track covered in mud with stressed and exposed tree roots raised alarm bells throughout the community. Local mana whenua iwi met with the community and our Conservation Department for the closure of this forest. This was to…

Possum in trap

Animal Pest Control Quarterly Report Q3 2020

General We have shifted the Northern Walkway Line to the Council boundary and about to start adding another line in the bush there. Next in line is extending Stillwater Boundary and a line along Okura Esplanade Reserve, and getting some DOC250s out to get those ferrets people are spotting intermittently! Okura Bush/ Kauri Dieback Disease It is with great sadness…


Seabird breeding Season – October to March

The seaward chenier at Stillwater is the breeding site of three, nationally vulnerable, birds – New Zealand Dotterel, variable oystercatcher and brown teal.  All three are endemic to New Zealand and are found nowhere else, and all three nest on the ground.  Nesting is about to start (generally by the end of October/start of November) and both nests and young…

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