okura forest festival

Okura Forest Festival – 2015

On the 14th of February we are having a festival in appreciation of the forest. Kiwi bands, choice food, arts and crafts. Time: 11am – 11pm Location: Okura River Road – in the park next to the hall. Entry by donation. To book a stall, contact Lezette on 021 872222 or info@okurabush.org.nz. Music line up yet to be announced.

The DOC reserve – Sunday Star Times

FOOB received a fantastic write-up in the “Backyard Battlers” section of the Sunday Star Times this weekend. There is some great aerial photography in the video here on Stuff: The DOC Reserve Excerpt from the article: Other local environmental groups are unhappy about the 150-house Weiti Bay development springing up on Okura Bush’s northern edge and the intensification of housing…

Spring Newsletter October 2014

The abundant kowhai flowers along the riverbank attracted a host of warbling tui earlier this month, to the delight of walkers some of whom lingered as they crossed the bridge, cameras poised. Now we can hope that those birds with established nests are rearing their young with greater chance of survival than before FOOB came into existence. In September the…

Planting and Weeding August 2014

Coastal Restoration: Stillwater/Okura, Wade River mouth August 2014 15 enthusiastic volunteers got stuck into a day of coastal restoration, not a single drop of torrential rain dampened the teams spirits! The goal of the day was to clear out the remaining moth pods, replant the coast line with Pohutakawa trees, and remove other targeted invasive flora from the remnant patches…

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