Bird News – Breeding 2021/22

Another breeding season is coming to an end and it’s been a successful one too. So congratulations to everyone involved in looking after the local environment and helping our endangered endemic birds find a safe haven on the Hibiscus Coast. Weiti A male and two female pateke/brown teal took up residence on the lagoon again this year and both females…

Meri Kirihimete & Happy New Year

Wishing all our volunteers and supporters a very Meri Kirihimete & a Happy New Year! A huge thank for helping and enabling us to do the good mahi that helps to restore this outstanding pocket of paradise. In spite of it been a challenging year, we have achieved some big milestones. Cancelling the Okura Forest Festival was a big shame,…

Brown Teal/ Pāteke successfully breed again

The resident pair of locally rare and nationally recovering pāteke at Weiti lagoon have produce four ducklings this year. This is a tremendous result for the trappers because these endemic ducks only survive and breed when mammalian predators (cats, mustelids, and rats) are controlled to low levels. I noticed the ducklings when they were disturbed by a Banded Rail/moho pererū,…

NZ Dotterels are breeding (8/11)

Great news on the breeding front with a two-week old (approximately) NZ Dotterel chick at Karepiro Beach, and pairs of NZ Dotterels with nests (both with single eggs) at the Weiti and Okura cheniers. No sign of the Variable Oystercatchers nesting yet, but the Paradise Duck pair have four ducklings on the lagoon at the Weiti chenier and Pete Townend…

Spring Bird News

International migrants The Bar-tailed godwits or kuaka have returned. These waders breed in Alaska during the brief arctic summer and then fly non-stop back to us to spend the southern summer recovering and preparing for the next breeding season. You can read more at Tracking godwits to understand the migration of birds to New Zealand. We are very lucky to…

Changing seasons

Some days you can almost feel spring in the air – and then the next squall comes over to remind us that winter is still with us. The pied oystercatchers certainly think that spring is here as many of our winter flock have departed for their breeding grounds on the braided rivers of the South Island (or Hawke’s Bay). There…

AGM 2021 Reports

from Friends of Okura Bush AGM held 15 August 2021 at Okura Hall, Okura River Road. Chairperson’s Report Welcome everyone. It’s great to see you all. Thank you for coming this afternoon. Tena koutou katoa. Just a briefing of what FOOB has been up to over the last year and we’ll then go on to listen to our inspiring guest…

AGM 15th August 2021 at 3pm

Friends of Okura Bush warmly invite you to their Annual General Meeting. A short meeting reporting back on activities and achievements over the past year will be followed by a talk from our Guest speaker: James Dale, Professor of Zoology at Massey University. When: 3 pm Sunday 15 August 2020 Where: Okura Hall, Okura River Road, Okura Topic: The Wildlife…

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